Best children’s book, bestselling children’s book, book about dogs, rescue dogs, children’s book about dogs, children’s books age 3 to 5, Jax To The Rescue, Tex Barker, Jules Morales, BARKER & JULES, LLC


Jax To The Rescue

If you like dogs and superhero stories, then this book is for you and your kid!

This is Jax!

Jax is a superhero dog, and every day he rescues animals that have been mistreated or abandoned by evil humans. He knows when they are in danger and flies through the skies searching for them.

Will Jax rescue all dogs in danger?

Join him and find out!

As Featured On
Best children’s book, bestselling children’s book, book about dogs, rescue dogs, children’s book about dogs, children’s books age 3 to 5, Jax To The Rescue, Tex Barker, Jules Morales, BARKER & JULES, LLC
Best children’s book, bestselling children’s book, book about dogs, rescue dogs, children’s book about dogs, children’s books age 3 to 5, Jax To The Rescue, Tex Barker, Jules Morales, BARKER & JULES, LLC
Best children’s book, bestselling children’s book, book about dogs, rescue dogs, children’s book about dogs, children’s books age 3 to 5, Jax To The Rescue, Tex Barker, Jules Morales, BARKER & JULES, LLC
Best children’s book, bestselling children’s book, book about dogs, rescue dogs, children’s book about dogs, children’s books age 3 to 5, Jax To The Rescue, Tex Barker, Jules Morales, BARKER & JULES, LLC
Tex Barker & Jules Morales

The Authors

Hi! We are Jules & Tex, co-Authors of this book, and co-owners and co-founders of BARKER & JULES LLC and RESQUS FOUNDATION INC.

We’ve been a couple since 2015, and this book is based on the real-life stories that we’ve personally experienced rescuing dogs and sending them to loving families all over the world. We created these stories with JAX as our main character to teach your kids the importance and values all living things have in our world.

And This is Jax,

Our Lovely Dog

Buy this book and help us rescue more dogs!

Scan the QR code at the end of each story (3 stories total) to watch the real images and videos of that rescued doggie with your child. With the purchase of this book, a percentage goes directly to RESQUS FOUNDATION INC, so we can continue helping.

Jax To The Rescue Barker & Jules RESQUS

What Readers Are Saying

Excellent gift for a child, since it makes them aware of the care and love of animals in a fun and entertaining way! We loved it!!!

Julisa P.

Amazon Review

Justo vestibulum risus imperdiet conse ctetur conse ctetur pretium urna augue etiam risus acc um san volutpat urna, eusem per enim, est aliquam laoet urna fringilla viverra.

Mike Sendler

Review on Book 1

Justo vestibulum risus imperdiet conse ctetur conse ctetur pretium urna augue etiam risus acc um san volutpat urna, eusem per enim, est aliquam laoet urna fringilla viverra.

Delmar Byers

Review on Book 1

Justo vestibulum risus imperdiet conse ctetur conse ctetur pretium urna augue etiam risus acc um san volutpat urna, eusem per enim, est aliquam laoet urna fringilla viverra.

Shanna Margolis

Review on Book 1

Best children’s book, bestselling children’s book, book about dogs, rescue dogs, children’s book about dogs, children’s books age 3 to 5, Jax To The Rescue, Tex Barker, Jules Morales, BARKER & JULES, LLC, RESQUS FOUNDATION INC

ResQus Foundation Inc

When buying this book, a percentage goes directly to the RESQUS® FOUNDATION INC. 

You and your family help rescue more stray dogs so they can get to their forever homes all over the world.

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